

2010年-08月-15日 來源:mebo

(08.09 --08.15 / 2010)


1. 沙門氏菌治療腫瘤可誘發(fā)殺滅癌細胞免疫反應
【摘要】美國科學促進會 2010-8-13 10:43:19
  一項在小鼠中的新的研究報告說,用沙門氏菌治療腫瘤可誘發(fā)一種能夠有效殺滅癌細胞的免疫反應。該發(fā)現(xiàn)可幫助科學家們創(chuàng)制可注射到病人體內的殺滅腫瘤的免疫細胞,或其能證明對研發(fā)一種潛在的抗癌“疫苗”有所幫助。在體內巡查的免疫細胞常??蓪⒃缙诘陌┘毎R別為異常的細胞,并將其殺滅。這一過程依賴于連接蛋白43,這是可在不同類型的細胞間形成細小交通通道(稱作間隙連接)的一種蛋白。被稱作肽的腫瘤蛋白碎片可通過這些通道逃逸并進入到在其表面展示這些肽的免疫細胞之中。這些肽的作用相當于“紅旗警示”,從而觸發(fā)一種特異性的抗癌免疫反應。但是隨著癌細胞的進展和增殖,它們可令免疫細胞無法對其進行識別。如今,F(xiàn)abiana Saccheri及其在意大利的同事證明,將沙門氏菌注射到腫瘤之中可令這些腫瘤細胞重新能夠被免疫細胞識別。研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),被注射的細菌發(fā)揮了一種關鍵性的功能:它們重新激活了連接蛋白43,而這種蛋白隨著癌細胞的生長常常會受到抑制。在本研究中,該團隊發(fā)現(xiàn),來自小鼠和人的感染了沙門氏菌的黑色素瘤細胞可增加在這些細胞中的連接蛋白43的含量。 其結果是新的間隙連接形成了,它使得染有黃色熒光的小分子能夠在腫瘤細胞之間通行或從腫瘤細胞進入免疫細胞。但是研究人員希望查明,這種可使腫瘤肽進入免疫細胞的間隙連接也會在活體動物中出現(xiàn)。因此,他們對患癌的小鼠進行了沙門氏菌的治療并觀察到,正如在實驗室的分離細胞中所觀察到的,這些腫瘤肽可通過間隙連接而進入到免疫細胞之中,它們在那里被裝載到了細胞的表面。這些新被激活的免疫細胞突然能夠識別并殺滅在小鼠中的腫瘤細胞。令人感興趣的是,這種方法還保護小鼠不會發(fā)生癌癥擴散到身體的其它部位,而這正是一種“疫苗接種”形式的預防性策略。

【原文摘錄】Sci. Transl. Med. 2, 44ra57 (2010). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3000739
Bacteria-induced gap junctions in tumors favor antigen cross-presentation and antitumor immunity
F. Saccheri, C. Pozzi, F. Avogadri, S. Barozzi, M. Faretta, P. Fusi, M. Rescigno.
Antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) trigger the activation of cytotoxic CD8 T cells that target and eliminate cells with the antigen on their surface. Although DCs usually pick up and process antigens themselves, they can also receive peptide antigens from other cells via gap junctions. We demonstrate here that infection with Salmonella can induce, in both human and murine melanoma cells, the up-regulation of connexin 43 (Cx43), a ubiquitous protein that forms gap junctions and that is normally lost during melanoma progression. Bacteria-treated melanoma cells can establish functional gap junctions with adjacent DCs. After bacterial infection, these gap junctions transferred preprocessed antigenic peptides from the tumor cells to the DCs, which then presented those peptides on their surface. These peptides activated cytotoxic T cells against the tumor antigen, which could control the growth of distant uninfected tumors. Melanoma cells in which Cx43 had been silenced, when infected in vivo with bacteria, failed to elicit a cytotoxic antitumor response, indicating that this Cx43 mechanism is the principal one used in vivo for the generation of antitumor responses. The Cx43-dependent cross-presentation pathway is more effective than standard protocols of DC loading (peptide, tumor lysates, or apoptotic bodies) for generating DC-based tumor vaccines that both inhibit existing tumors and prevent tumor establishment. In conclusion, we exploited an antimicrobial response present in tumor cells to activate cytotoxic CD8 T cells specific for tumor-generated peptides that could directly recognize and kill tumor cells.

2. 脊髓損傷小鼠成功再生神經通路
【摘要】科技日報 2010-8-10 11:59:52

【原文摘錄】Nature Neuroscience doi:10.1038/nn.2603
PTEN deletion enhances the regenerative ability of adult corticospinal neurons
Kai Liu,Yi Lu,Jae K Lee, et al.
Despite the essential role of the corticospinal tract (CST) in controlling voluntary movements, successful regeneration of large numbers of injured CST axons beyond a spinal cord lesion has never been achieved. We found that PTEN/mTOR are critical for controlling the regenerative capacity of mouse corticospinal neurons. After development, the regrowth potential of CST axons was lost and this was accompanied by a downregulation of mTOR activity in corticospinal neurons. Axonal injury further diminished neuronal mTOR activity in these neurons. Forced upregulation of mTOR activity in corticospinal neurons by conditional deletion of Pten, a negative regulator of mTOR, enhanced compensatory sprouting of uninjured CST axons and enabled successful regeneration of a cohort of injured CST axons past a spinal cord lesion. Furthermore, these regenerating CST axons possessed the ability to reform synapses in spinal segments distal to the injury. Thus, modulating neuronal intrinsic PTEN/mTOR activity represents a potential therapeutic strategy for promoting axon regeneration and functional repair after adult spinal cord injury.

3. 發(fā)現(xiàn)骨髓中造血干細胞生態(tài)龕的重要成員
  在骨髓中形成造血干細胞生態(tài)龕的細胞身份一直不清楚。現(xiàn)在,Paul Frenette及其同事識別出,表達巢蛋白nestin的間充質干細胞為形成生態(tài)龕的細胞。這些細胞與造血干細胞有密切物理關系,表達高水平的參與干細胞維護的基因,它們的刪除會降低造血祖細胞的骨髓歸巢功能。這項工作顯示,骨髓中的干細胞生態(tài)龕是兩種截然不同的體干細胞類型之間的一種伙伴關系。

【原文摘錄】Nature 466, 829-834 (12 August 2010) | doi:10.1038/nature09262
Mesenchymal and haematopoietic stem cells form a unique bone marrow niche
Simón Méndez-Ferrer, Tatyana V. Michurina, Francesca Ferraro, et al.
The cellular constituents forming the haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche in the bone marrow are unclear, with studies implicating osteoblasts, endothelial and perivascular cells. Here we demonstrate that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), identified using nestin expression, constitute an essential HSC niche component. Nestin+ MSCs contain all the bone-marrow colony-forming-unit fibroblastic activity and can be propagated as non-adherent ‘mesenspheres’ that can self-renew and expand in serial transplantations. Nestin+ MSCs are spatially associated with HSCs and adrenergic nerve fibres, and highly express HSC maintenance genes. These genes, and others triggering osteoblastic differentiation, are selectively downregulated during enforced HSC mobilization or β3 adrenoreceptor activation. Whereas parathormone administration doubles the number of bone marrow nestin+ cells and favours their osteoblastic differentiation, in vivo nestin+ cell depletion rapidly reduces HSC content in the bone marrow. Purified HSCs home near nestin+ MSCs in the bone marrow of lethally irradiated mice, whereas in vivo nestin+ cell depletion significantly reduces bone marrow homing of haematopoietic progenitors. These results uncover an unprecedented partnership between two distinct somatic stem-cell types and are indicative of a unique niche in the bone marrow made of heterotypic stem-cell pairs.

4. 細胞因子介導的腫瘤免疫療法

【原文摘錄】Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Volume 31, Issue 8, 356-363
Fighting cancers from within: augmenting tumor immunity with cytokine therapy
Marc Pellegrini, Tak W. Mak, Pamela S. Ohashi
The human immune system has successfully evolved to fight many pathogens. Through vaccination, we can harness and improve immune responses to eradicate infections. Despite this success, we are only now beginning to understand the natural tumor immune surveillance mechanisms and why, in some instances, our immune system fails to abrogate the development and growth of tumors. Encouraging results with the latest immunotherapies have renewed enthusiasm in the field. A central component of these therapies is the contribution of cytokines. Here we review our expanding knowledge of cytokine-induced effects as well as preclinical and clinical data that indicate adjuvant cytokine therapies may hold much promise in improving anti-tumor immunity. Further studies on optimal synergistic combinations, timing, duration and additional adjuvant therapies are required to realize the full potential of cytokines as immunotherapeutic agents.

5. 星形膠質細胞可轉化為神經細胞
【摘要】來源:《PLoS生物學》 發(fā)布時間:2010-8-11 9:34:09
星形膠質細胞是哺乳動物腦內分布最廣泛的一類細胞,其胞體發(fā)出的許多長而分支的突起伸展充填在神經細胞的胞體及其突起之間,起支持和分隔神經細胞的作用。德國研究人員指出,星形膠質細胞與放射狀膠質細胞密切相關,而后者則是胎胚發(fā)育過程中大多數(shù)神經元的前驅細胞。德研究人員進一步解釋說,格茨領導的研究小組在幾年前的研究中已發(fā)現(xiàn),在幼鼠大腦皮層本來不具有形成神經元能力的星形膠質細胞中植入特殊的調節(jié)蛋白,可促使其轉變?yōu)樯窠浽?。而他們的最新研究則顯示,新形成的神經元在特殊轉錄因子的影響下可進一步形成功能性突觸,釋放出興奮性或抑制性的遞質。不僅還在發(fā)育的星形膠質細胞發(fā)生轉變,而且因受損而被激活的成熟大腦中的星形膠質細胞也能發(fā)生這種轉變。這一發(fā)現(xiàn)使研究人員相信有望找到用腦中現(xiàn)有的星形膠質細胞“更新”因傷或疾病而受損的腦細胞的方法。(來源:新華社 班瑋)

【原文摘錄】PLoS Biol 8(5): e1000373. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000373
Directing Astroglia from the Cerebral Cortex into Subtype Specific Functional Neurons.
Heinrich C, Blum R, Gascón S, et al.
Astroglia from the postnatal cerebral cortex can be reprogrammed in vitro to generate neurons following forced expression of neurogenic transcription factors, thus opening new avenues towards a potential use of endogenous astroglia for brain repair. However, in previous attempts astroglia-derived neurons failed to establish functional synapses, a severe limitation towards functional neurogenesis. It remained therefore also unknown whether neurons derived from reprogrammed astroglia could be directed towards distinct neuronal subtype identities by selective expression of distinct neurogenic fate determinants. Here we show that strong and persistent expression of neurogenic fate determinants driven by silencing-resistant retroviral vectors instructs astroglia from the postnatal cortex in vitro to mature into fully functional, synapse-forming neurons. Importantly, the neurotransmitter fate choice of astroglia-derived neurons can be controlled by selective expression of distinct neurogenic transcription factors: forced expression of the dorsal telencephalic fate determinant neurogenin-2 (Neurog2) directs cortical astroglia to generate synapse-forming glutamatergic neurons; in contrast, the ventral telencephalic fate determinant Dlx2 induces a GABAergic identity, although the overall efficiency of Dlx2-mediated neuronal reprogramming is much lower compared to Neurog2, suggesting that cortical astroglia possess a higher competence to respond to the dorsal telencephalic fate determinant. Interestingly, however, reprogramming of astroglia towards the generation of GABAergic neurons was greatly facilitated when the astroglial cells were first expanded as neurosphere cells prior to transduction with Dlx2. Importantly, this approach of expansion under neurosphere conditions and subsequent reprogramming with distinct neurogenic transcription factors can also be extended to reactive astroglia isolated from the adult injured cerebral cortex, allowing for the selective generation of glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons. These data provide evidence that cortical astroglia can undergo a conversion across cell lineages by forced expression of a single neurogenic transcription factor, stably generating fully differentiated neurons. Moreover, neuronal reprogramming of astroglia is not restricted to postnatal stages but can also be achieved from terminally differentiated astroglia of the adult cerebral cortex following injury-induced reactivation.