

2012年-06月-16日 來源:mebo




1. 再生細胞能夠恢復(fù)因角膜異常造成的視覺障礙



The American Journal of Pathology, 2012 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2012.03.033
A ROCK Inhibitor Converts Corneal Endothelial Cells into a Phenotype Capable of Regenerating In Vivo Endothelial Tissue
N. Okumura, N. Koizumi, M. Ueno, et al.
Corneal endothelial dysfunction accompanied by visual disturbance is a primary indication for corneal transplantation. We previously reported that the adhesion of corneal endothelial cells (CECs) to a substrate was enhanced by the selective ROCK inhibitor Y-27632. It is hypothesized that the inhibition of ROCK signaling may manipulate cell adhesion properties, thus enabling the transplantation of cultivated CECs as a form of regenerative medicine. In the present study, using a rabbit corneal endothelial dysfunction model, the transplantation of CECs in combination with Y-27632 successfully achieved the recovery of corneal transparency. Complications related to cell injection therapy, such as the abnormal deposition of the injected cells as well as the elevation of intraocular pressure, were not observed. Reconstructed corneal endothelium with Y-27632 exhibited a monolayer hexagonal cell shape with a normal expression of function-related markers, such as ZO-1, and Na+/K+-ATPase, whereas reconstruction without Y-27632 exhibited a stratified fibroblastic phenotype without the expression of markers. Moreover, transplantation of CECs in primates in the presence of the ROCK inhibitor also achieved the recovery of long-term corneal transparency with a monolayer hexagonal cell phenotype at a high cell density. Taken together, these results suggest that the selective ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 enables cultivated CEC-based therapy and that the modulation of Rho-ROCK signaling activity serves to enhance cell engraftment for cell-based regenerative medicine.


 2. AMPK促進代謝壓力下腫瘤細胞的存活


【點評】 AMPK由于其抑制細胞增殖的作用可能依然會成為開發(fā)新化療藥物的有希望的潛在靶點,但是該研究說明此種策略若不同時阻斷AMPK對能量短缺時細胞的保護作用,那么很可能會失敗。

Nature, 2012; DOI:10.1038/nature11066
AMPK regulates NADPH homeostasis to promote tumour cell survival during energy stress
Sang-Min Jeon, Navdeep S. Chandel, Nissim Hay. 
Overcoming metabolic stress is a critical step for solid tumour growth. However, the underlying mechanisms of cell death and survival under metabolic stress are not well understood. A key signalling pathway involved in metabolic adaptation is the liver kinase B1 (LKB1)–AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway. Energy stress conditions that decrease intracellular ATP levels below a certain level promote AMPK activation by LKB1. Previous studies showed that LKB1-deficient or AMPK-deficient cells are resistant to oncogenic transformation and tumorigenesis, possibly because of the function of AMPK in metabolic adaptation. However, the mechanisms by which AMPK promotes metabolic adaptation in tumour cells are not fully understood. Here we show that AMPK activation, during energy stress, prolongs cell survival by redox regulation. Under these conditions, NADPH generation by the pentose phosphate pathway is impaired, but AMPK induces alternative routes to maintain NADPH and inhibit cell death. The inhibition of the acetyl-CoA carboxylases ACC1 and ACC2 by AMPK maintains NADPH levels by decreasing NADPH consumption in fatty-acid synthesis and increasing NADPH generation by means of fatty-acid oxidation. Knockdown of either ACC1 or ACC2 compensates for AMPK activation and facilitates anchorage-independent growth and solid tumour formation in vivo, whereas the activation of ACC1 or ACC2 attenuates these processes. Thus AMPK, in addition to its function in ATP homeostasis, has a key function in NADPH maintenance, which is critical for cancer cell survival under energy stress conditions, such as glucose limitations, anchorage-independent growth and solid tumour formation in vivo.


 3. 內(nèi)源性逆轉(zhuǎn)錄病毒作用開啟胚胎干細胞的全能性



Nature, 2012; DOI:10.1038/nature11244
Embryonic stem cell potency fluctuates with endogenous retrovirus activity
Todd S. Macfarlan, Wesley D. Gifford, Shawn Driscoll, et al.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from blastocyst-stage embryos and are thought to be functionally equivalent to the inner cell mass, which lacks the ability to produce all extraembryonic tissues. Here we identify a rare transient cell population within mouse ES and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell cultures that expresses high levels of transcripts found in two-cell (2C) embryos in which the blastomeres are totipotent. We genetically tagged these 2C-like ES cells and show that they lack the inner cell mass pluripotency proteins Oct4 (also known as Pou5f1), Sox2 and Nanog, and have acquired the ability to contribute to both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. We show that nearly all ES cells cycle in and out of this privileged state, which is partially controlled by histone-modifying enzymes. Transcriptome sequencing and bioinformatic analyses showed that many 2C transcripts are initiated from long terminal repeats derived from endogenous retroviruses, suggesting this foreign sequence has helped to drive cell-fate regulation in placental mammals.


 4. 炎癥是如何導(dǎo)致癌癥的

【動態(tài)】肝臟、結(jié)腸或胃等器官發(fā)生癌癥的一個最大的風(fēng)險因素是這些器官因病毒或細菌感染造成的長期發(fā)炎。美國MIT的一項最新研究追蹤了感染肝螺桿菌的老鼠肝臟和結(jié)腸里一系列基因和化學(xué)變化,給予我們現(xiàn)今關(guān)于這類感染是如何驅(qū)使組織癌變的最完整的了解。發(fā)炎是身體應(yīng)對感染或損傷的正常反應(yīng),當免疫系統(tǒng)監(jiān)測到病原體或細胞損傷時,它激活巨噬細胞和中性粒細胞的匯集,這些細胞的任務(wù)是吞噬細菌、死細胞和碎片(死亡或損傷細胞釋放的蛋白、核酸等分子),在此期間會產(chǎn)生高活性的化學(xué)物質(zhì)幫助分解細菌,但同時這些化學(xué)物質(zhì)也會擴散到組織中,長此以往,炎癥很可能引起組織癌變。MIT的實驗對形成慢性肝臟和結(jié)腸感染的老鼠進行了20周的觀察,發(fā)現(xiàn)肝臟和結(jié)腸對感染的反應(yīng)不同。只有在結(jié)腸里,中性粒細胞會分泌次氯酸,通過氯化嚴重損害蛋白、DNA和RNA。本來次氯酸是用于殺死細菌的,但泄漏到周圍組織里后就損害了結(jié)腸的上皮細胞。另一個不同是在經(jīng)歷DAN損傷后,肝臟的DNA修復(fù)系統(tǒng)比結(jié)腸的更活躍。 這兩種不同都對結(jié)腸更不利,導(dǎo)致長期炎癥更易于引起結(jié)腸癌。

【點評】 創(chuàng)新的全面的研究會幫助我們更好的認識癌癥,該研究是我們對于長期炎癥和癌癥的關(guān)系有了進一步的了解,有助于采取更好的措施來預(yù)防癌癥。

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1207829109
PNAS Plus: Infection-induced colitis in mice causes dynamic and tissue-specific changes in stress response and DNA damage leading to colon cancer
A. Mangerich, C. G. Knutson, N. M. Parry, et al. 
Helicobacter hepaticus-infected Rag2-/- mice emulate many aspects of human inflammatory bowel disease, including the development of colitis and colon cancer. To elucidate mechanisms of inflammation-induced carcinogenesis, we undertook a comprehensive analysis of histopathology, molecular damage, and gene expression changes during disease progression in these mice. Infected mice developed severe colitis and hepatitis by 10 wk post-infection, progressing into colon carcinoma by 20 wk post-infection, with pronounced pathology in the cecum and proximal colon marked by infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages. Transcriptional profiling revealed decreased expression of DNA repair and oxidative stress response genes in colon, but not in liver. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed higher levels of DNA and RNA damage products in liver compared to colon and infection-induced increases in 5-chlorocytosine in DNA and RNA and hypoxanthine in DNA. Paradoxically, infection was associated with decreased levels of DNA etheno adducts. Levels of nucleic acid damage from the same chemical class were strongly correlated in both liver and colon. The results support a model of inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis involving infiltration of phagocytes and generation of reactive species that cause local molecular damage leading to cell dysfunction, mutation, and cell death. There are strong correlations among histopathology, phagocyte infiltration, and damage chemistry that suggest a major role for neutrophils in inflammation-associated cancer progression. Further, paradoxical changes in nucleic acid damage were observed in tissue- and chemistry-specific patterns. The results also reveal features of cell stress response that point to microbial pathophysiology and mechanisms of cell senescence as important mechanistic links to cancer.


 5. 多靶點的系統(tǒng)干預(yù)抗癌更有效

【動態(tài)】美國科學(xué)家最近的研究表明相比于特異攻擊某一疾病病理過程中某一基因或蛋白的高度選擇性的特效藥物,在已知化合物庫中找尋那些為數(shù)不多的能夠廣泛破壞整個病理過程的分子可能是更有效的治療策略。他們發(fā)現(xiàn)這種從針對單一靶點轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橥瑫r針對一系列靶點的策略使得我們在不造成很多副作用的情況下獲得好得多的阻止癌癥的能力。該策略已產(chǎn)生了兩個潛在的藥物AD80 和 AD81,比現(xiàn)有抗癌藥物凡德他尼(vandetanib)對果蠅的療效更好毒性更低,已被美國FDA批準用于治療某一特定類型的甲狀腺癌。廣義上講,絕大多數(shù)藥物只是干預(yù)疾病過程中的蛋白和基因的化合物,其破壞關(guān)鍵的疾病過程的能力越強,它就越有效。另一方面,它干擾身體其他部分的作用越大,它的毒性就越大。很多抗癌藥物對癌細胞和正常細胞有同樣的殺傷力。現(xiàn)在看來,選擇性越高越好的觀念也許并不正確。對于癌癥的治療,作用于癌癥病理過程的多個環(huán)節(jié)的低選擇性的化合物或許會帶來更好的效果和更低的毒性。

【點評】 傳統(tǒng)的藥物設(shè)計認為化合物的選擇性越高越好,但是該研究的實踐表明,這種觀念也許過時了,尤其是在癌癥治療領(lǐng)域,選擇性低的化合物反而可能更好,意味著特異性干預(yù)疾病單一環(huán)節(jié)的策略向多環(huán)節(jié)系統(tǒng)干預(yù)的策略轉(zhuǎn)移。

Nature, 2012; 486 (7401): 80 DOI: 10.1038/nature11127
Chemical genetic discovery of targets and anti-targets for cancer polypharmacology
Arvin C. Dar, Tirtha K. Das, Kevan M. Shokat, Ross L. Cagan. 
The complexity of cancer has led to recent interest in polypharmacological approaches for developing kinase-inhibitor drugs; however, optimal kinase-inhibition profiles remain difficult to predict. Using a Ret-kinase-drivenDrosophila model of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and kinome-wide drug profiling, here we identify that AD57 rescues oncogenic Ret-induced lethality, whereas related Ret inhibitors imparted reduced efficacy and enhanced toxicity. Drosophila genetics and compound profiling defined three pathways accounting for the mechanistic basis of efficacy and dose-limiting toxicity. Inhibition of Ret plus Raf, Src and S6K was required for optimal animal survival, whereas inhibition of the ‘a(chǎn)nti-target’ Tor led to toxicity owing to release of negative feedback. Rational synthetic tailoring to eliminate Tor binding afforded AD80 and AD81, compounds featuring balanced pathway inhibition, improved efficacy and low toxicity in Drosophila and mammalian multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 models. Combining kinase-focused chemistry, kinome-wide profiling and Drosophila genetics provides a powerful systems pharmacology approach towards developing compounds with a maximal therapeutic index.


 6. 發(fā)育時期的內(nèi)臟細菌數(shù)量調(diào)節(jié)大腦的血清素水平



Molecular Psychiatry, June 12, 2012 DOI:10.1038/mp.2012.77
The microbiome-gut-brain axis during early life regulates the hippocampal serotonergic system in a sex-dependent manner
G Clarke, S Grenham, P Scully,et al.  
Bacterial colonisation of the intestine has a major role in the post-natal development and maturation of the immune and endocrine systems. These processes are key factors underpinning central nervous system (CNS) signalling. Regulation of the microbiome–gut–brain axis is essential for maintaining homeostasis, including that of the CNS. However, there is a paucity of data pertaining to the influence of microbiome on the serotonergic system. Germ-free (GF) animals represent an effective preclinical tool to investigate such phenomena. Here we show that male GF animals have a significant elevation in the hippocampal concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, its main metabolite, compared with conventionally colonised control animals. Moreover, this alteration is sex specific in contrast with the immunological and neuroendocrine effects which are evident in both sexes. Concentrations of tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin, are increased in the plasma of male GF animals, suggesting a humoral route through which the microbiota can influence CNS serotonergic neurotransmission. Interestingly, colonisation of the GF animals post weaning is insufficient to reverse the CNS neurochemical consequences in adulthood of an absent microbiota in early life despite the peripheral availability of tryptophan being restored to baseline values. In addition, reduced anxiety in GF animals is also normalised following restoration of the intestinal microbiota. These results demonstrate that CNS neurotransmission can be profoundly disturbed by the absence of a normal gut microbiota and that this aberrant neurochemical, but not behavioural, profile is resistant to restoration of a normal gut flora in later life.