

2012年-06月-30日 來源:mebo




1.  小分子DNA適體促進(jìn)神經(jīng)髓鞘的再生和修復(fù)


【點評】 該研究發(fā)現(xiàn)的小分子DNA能夠替代IgM抗體在老鼠模型中促進(jìn)神經(jīng)髓鞘的再生和修復(fù),有可能成為治療人類多發(fā)性硬化病的選項,但是還需要在其他的動物模型上確認(rèn)其能否成為人體臨床實驗的候選物。

PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (6): e39595 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039595
Remyelination Induced by a DNA Aptamer in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Branislav Nastasijevic, Brent R. Wright, John Smestad, et al.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by local destruction of the insulating myelin surrounding neuronal axons. With more than 200 million MS patients worldwide, the absence of treatments that prevent progression or induce repair poses a major challenge. Anti-inflammatory therapies have met with limited success only in preventing relapses. Previous screening of human serum samples revealed natural IgM antibodies that bind oligodendrocytes and promote both cell signaling and remyelination of CNS lesions in an MS model involving chronic infection of susceptible mice by Theiler’s encephalomyelitis virus and in the lysolecithin model of focal demyelination. This intriguing result raises the possibility that molecules with binding specificity for oligodendrocytes or myelin components may promote therapeutic remyelination in MS. Because of the size and complexity of IgM antibodies, it is of interest to identify smaller myelin-specific molecules with the ability to promote remyelination in vivo. Here we show that a 40-nucleotide single-stranded DNA aptamer selected for affinity to murine myelin shows this property. This aptamer binds multiple myelin components in vitro. Peritoneal injection of this aptamer results in distribution to CNS tissues and promotes remyelination of CNS lesions in mice infected by Theiler’s virus. Interestingly, the selected DNA aptamer contains guanosine-rich sequences predicted to induce folding involving guanosine quartet structures. Relative to monoclonal antibodies, DNA aptamers are small, stable, and non-immunogenic, suggesting new possibilities for MS treatment.

 2. 食物纖維改變胃腸道菌群促進(jìn)胃腸健康


【點評】 該研究表明食物纖維不僅僅是幫助人體促進(jìn)胃腸蠕動和食物消化,而且是人體很重要的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì),間接通過滋養(yǎng)腸道益生菌促進(jìn)人體健康。

Journal of Nutrition, 2012; 142 (7): 1259 DOI: 10.3945/jn.112.158766
454 Pyrosequencing Reveals a Shift in Fecal Microbiota of Healthy Adult Men Consuming Polydextrose or Soluble Corn Fiber
S. Hooda, B. M. V. Boler, M. C. R. Serao, et al.
The relative contribution of novel fibers such as polydextrose and soluble corn fiber (SCF) to the human gut microbiome and its association with host physiology has not been well studied. This study was conducted to test the impact of polydextrose and SCF on the composition of the human gut microbiota using 454 pyrosequencing and to identify associations among fecal microbiota and fermentative end-products. Healthy adult men (n = 20) with a mean dietary fiber (DF) intake of 14 g/d were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study. Participants consumed 3 treatment snack bars/d during each 21-d period that contained no supplemental fiber (NFC), polydextrose (PDX; 21 g/d), or SCF (21 g/d) for 21 d. There were no washout periods. Fecal samples were collected on d 16–21 of each period; DNA was extracted, followed by amplification of the V4-V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene using barcoded primers. PDX and SCF significantly affected the relative abundance of bacteria at the class, genus, and species level. The consumption of PDX and SCF led to greater fecal Clostridiaceae and Veillonellaceae and lower Eubacteriaceae compared with a NFC. The abundance of Faecalibacterium,Phascolarctobacterium, and Dialister was greater (P < 0.05) in response to PDX and SCF intake, whereas Lactobacillus was greater (P < 0.05) only after SCF intake.Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, well known for its antiinflammatory properties, was greater (P < 0.05) after fiber consumption. Principal component analysis clearly indicated a distinct clustering of individuals consuming supplemental fibers. Our data demonstrate a beneficial shift in the gut microbiome of adults consuming PDX and SCF, with potential application as prebiotics.

 3.  肌營養(yǎng)不良疾病LGMD2D的自體細(xì)胞移植

【動態(tài)】一項歐洲和日本科學(xué)家參與的最新研究顯示源于一種罕見的肌營養(yǎng)不良癥患者的干細(xì)胞被成功移植入有同樣癥狀的老鼠模型中。  Mesoangioblast(一種與血管有關(guān)的干細(xì)胞)干/祖細(xì)胞是源于表達(dá)堿性磷酸酶的肌肉中發(fā)現(xiàn)的周皮細(xì)胞亞群,已顯示出在肌營養(yǎng)不良癥的不同動物模型中改善癥狀的作用,并正在患有杜興肌營養(yǎng)不良患兒中進(jìn)行臨床測試?;加邢嚓P(guān)肌營養(yǎng)不良疾病LGMD2D的發(fā)病原因是編碼α-肌糖 的基因發(fā)生突變,周皮細(xì)胞減少,不能產(chǎn)生足夠自體細(xì)胞治療的Mesoangioblast。因此,該研究從LGMD2D患者的成纖維細(xì)胞和成肌細(xì)胞重編程成iPSC,并建立一套程序從iPSC 轉(zhuǎn)化成Mesoangioblast樣細(xì)胞,通過在體外基因修正并擴(kuò)增該源于iPSC的Mesoangioblast細(xì)胞,然后將其移植到?jīng)]有α-肌糖的免疫缺陷老鼠,它們產(chǎn)生了表達(dá)α-肌糖的肌纖維。而將源于老鼠iPSC的Mesoangioblast細(xì)胞移植到?jīng)]有α-肌糖的免疫缺陷老鼠改善了癥狀,恢復(fù)了缺失的祖細(xì)胞。

【點評】 該研究結(jié)果意味著移植基因修正后的源于LGMD2D患者iPSC的Mesoangioblast樣細(xì)胞可能對該種以及其他種類的肌營養(yǎng)不良的治療有用。

Sci Transl Med, 27 June 2012 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3003541
Transplantation of Genetically Corrected Human iPSC-Derived Progenitors in Mice with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Francesco Saverio Tedesco, Mattia F. M. Gerli, Laura Perani, et al.  
Mesoangioblasts are stem/progenitor cells derived from a subset of pericytes found in muscle that express alkaline phosphatase. They have been shown to ameliorate the disease phenotypes of different animal models of muscular dystrophy and are now undergoing clinical testing in children affected by Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Here, we show that patients with a related disease, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2D (LGMD2D), which is caused by mutations in the gene encoding α-sarcoglycan, have reduced numbers of this pericyte subset and thus produce too few mesoangioblasts for use in autologous cell therapy. Hence, we reprogrammed fibroblasts and myoblasts from LGMD2D patients to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and developed a protocol for the derivation of mesoangioblast-like cells from these iPSCs. The iPSC-derived mesoangioblasts were expanded and genetically corrected in vitro with a lentiviral vector carrying the gene encoding human α-sarcoglycan and a promoter that would ensure expression only in striated muscle. When these genetically corrected human iPSC-derived mesoangioblasts were transplanted into α-sarcoglycan–null immunodeficient mice, they generated muscle fibers that expressed α-sarcoglycan. Finally, transplantation of mouse iPSC-derived mesoangioblasts into α-sarcoglycan–null immunodeficient mice resulted in functional amelioration of the dystrophic phenotype and restoration of the depleted progenitors. These findings suggest that transplantation of genetically corrected mesoangioblast-like cells generated from iPSCs from LGMD2D patients may be useful for treating this type of muscular dystrophy and perhaps other forms of muscular dystrophy as well.

 4. 干細(xì)胞和癌細(xì)胞中端粒酶的調(diào)節(jié)

【動態(tài)】德國科學(xué)家最近發(fā)現(xiàn)了Wnt/β-聯(lián)蛋白信號途徑與端粒酶亞基 Tert表達(dá)之間的分子聯(lián)系。端粒酶的活性控制著端粒長度,在干細(xì)胞,衰老和癌癥中起關(guān)鍵作用。β-聯(lián)蛋白缺陷的老鼠胚胎干細(xì)胞端粒較短,相反地,表達(dá)有活性的β-聯(lián)蛋白的胚胎干細(xì)胞其端粒比較長。研究表明β-聯(lián)蛋白通過與多能性轉(zhuǎn)錄網(wǎng)絡(luò)的核心組分Klf4相互作用調(diào)節(jié)Tert表達(dá),在老鼠腸癌模型和人體癌細(xì)胞中β-聯(lián)蛋白結(jié)合到Tert促進(jìn)子,直接調(diào)節(jié)端粒酶基因。調(diào)節(jié)錯誤或β-聯(lián)蛋白突變會導(dǎo)致腫瘤發(fā)生。

【點評】 該研究關(guān)于β-聯(lián)蛋白調(diào)節(jié)Tert表達(dá)進(jìn)而調(diào)節(jié)端粒酶活性和端粒長度的發(fā)現(xiàn)對于干細(xì)胞的研究以及抗癌研究可能產(chǎn)生重要影響。

Science, 2012; 336 (6088): 1549 DOI: 10.1126/science.1218370
Wnt/ -Catenin Signaling Regulates Telomerase in Stem Cells and Cancer Cells
K. Hoffmeyer, A. Raggioli, S. Rudloff, et al.  
Telomerase activity controls telomere length and plays a pivotal role in stem cells, aging, and cancer. Here, we report a molecular link between Wnt/β-catenin signaling and the expression of the telomerase subunit Tert. β-Catenin–deficient mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have short telomeres; conversely, ES cell expressing an activated form of β-catenin (β-catΔEx3/+) have long telomeres. We show that β-catenin regulates Tert expression through the interaction with Klf4, a core component of the pluripotency transcriptional network. β-Catenin binds to the Tert promoter in a mouse intestinal tumor model and in human carcinoma cells. We uncover a previously unknown link between the stem cell and oncogenic potential whereby β-catenin regulates Tert expression, and thereby telomere length, which could be critical in human regenerative therapy and cancer.

 5. 源于人胚胎干細(xì)胞的胰腺祖細(xì)胞發(fā)育成有功能的胰島治療老鼠的糖尿病


【點評】 該研究發(fā)現(xiàn)的結(jié)果支持利用分化的人體胚胎干細(xì)胞治療糖尿病的可能性,但是因為此類的動物試驗都是利用不大排斥細(xì)胞移植的免疫缺陷動物模型進(jìn)行的,明顯不同于正常的生命,因此其試驗結(jié)果也只是提供某種可能性的參考,并不具備實際意義。

Diabetes, June 27, 2012 DOI:10.2337/db11-1711
Maturation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Pancreatic Progenitors into Functional Islets Capable of Treating Pre-existing Diabetes in Mice
Alireza Rezania, Jennifer E. Bruin, Michael J. Riedel, et al.
Diabetes is a chronic debilitating disease that results from insufficient production of insulin from pancreatic β-cells. Islet cell replacement can effectively treat diabetes but is currently severely limited by the reliance upon cadaveric donor tissue. We have developed a protocol to efficiently differentiate commercially available human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in vitro into a highly enriched PDX1+ pancreatic progenitor cell population that further develops in vivo to mature pancreatic endocrine cells. Immature pancreatic precursor cells were transplanted into immunodeficient mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and glycemia was initially controlled with exogenous insulin. As graft-derived insulin levels increased over time, diabetic mice were weaned from exogenous insulin and human C-peptide secretion was eventually regulated by meal and glucose challenges. Similar differentiation of pancreatic precursor cells was observed after transplant in immunodeficient rats. Throughout the in vivo maturation period hESC-derived endocrine cells exhibited gene and protein expression profiles that were remarkably similar to the developing human fetal pancreas. Our findings support the feasibility of using differentiated hESCs as an alternative to cadaveric islets for treating patients with diabetes.

 6. 剝奪葡萄糖激活代謝和信號的放大回路導(dǎo)致細(xì)胞死亡


【點評】 該研究說明了癌細(xì)胞維持動態(tài)平衡過程中代謝和信號在系統(tǒng)水平上的交流。剝奪葡萄糖誘生活性氧,抑制磷酸化酶,激活酪氨酸激酶轉(zhuǎn)而產(chǎn)生更多活性氧,正反饋的回路不斷放大活性氧水平直至細(xì)胞進(jìn)行活性氧介導(dǎo)的細(xì)胞死亡。

Molecular Systems Biology, 2012; 8 DOI: 10.1038/msb.2012.20
Glucose deprivation activates a metabolic and signaling amplification loop leading to cell death
Nicholas A Graham, Martik Tahmasian, Bitika Kohli, et al.    
The altered metabolism of cancer can render cells dependent on the availability of metabolic substrates for viability. Investigating the signaling mechanisms underlying cell death in cells dependent upon glucose for survival, we demonstrate that glucose withdrawal rapidly induces supra-physiological levels of phospho-tyrosine signaling, even in cells expressing constitutively active tyrosine kinases. Using unbiased mass spectrometry-based phospho-proteomics, we show that glucose withdrawal initiates a unique signature of phospho-tyrosine activation that is associated with focal adhesions. Building upon this observation, we demonstrate that glucose withdrawal activates a positive feedback loop involving generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by NADPH oxidase and mitochondria, inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases by oxidation, and increased tyrosine kinase signaling. In cells dependent on glucose for survival, glucose withdrawal-induced ROS generation and tyrosine kinase signaling synergize to amplify ROS levels, ultimately resulting in ROS-mediated cell death. Taken together, these findings illustrate the systems-level cross-talk between metabolism and signaling in the maintenance of cancer cell homeostasis.